Sunday, 22 November 2015

The Principles of Good Governance

Based on the General Inspectorate of Internal Affairs Ministry No. 700 / Reg / 02 / VI / 2011, there was excess financing of lodging regional official trip that must be submitted to the regional treasury. It showed that financial management had not been run yet as well as the plan and rules. The results of the General Inspectorate of Internal Affairs Ministry  investigation showed that 50 appointment letter were not valid, where they did not specify the amount of compensation to each employee in the contract based on the budget provided in the budget list. This was the administrative rules phenomenon which had not been based on the legal framework or rules. This study aimed to determine the implementation of good governance principles in financial management at Parliament Secretariat of Kepahiang House of Representatives based on the Participation, Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Equity, Effectiveness and efficiency, Accountability, and Strategic Vision.
Based on the results in this research, employees perceptions toward good governance was high by the average of 3.51 (high). The lowest score of employees response was on the participation by the average of 2.88 (enough) and the highest score of employees response was on accountability by the average of 4.11 (high). The suggestion in the process of creating rules was to notice people consideration. Besides, employees could deliver their opinion in the process of creating financial management rules. Thus, Kepahiang House of Representatives secretariat could work optimally and good governance could be realized.

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